Thursday, September 5, 2013

Olive Oil Vs. Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil is back!  It has been making a slow ascent into popularity for many years now.  In the 1980s anything that was a saturated fat was considered bad for the heart and bad for the health, and would make you fat.  Diets back then consisted of avoiding all kinds of fats and oils, especially the saturated kind.  Then olive oil started to gain popularity, and as it was monounsaturated and deemed to be heart healthy, people began to using it willingly.  Now we are learning that not all fats are equal, and even some saturated fats are good for us.  Certainly trans fat and hydrogenated fat that we find in commercial and processed food remain the ones to avoid at all costs.

The general rule I came across for cooking with these oils is that coconut stands up to high temperature, whereas olive oil does not and should be eaten cold.  But, there is a study that looks at deep frying with olive oil and shows that it can stand up to high heat better than what people thought.

But, is coconut oil all it is cracked up to be?  Should we replace our olive oil with coconut oil?  Some people tout it as almost a miracle oil.  Is it? I am not a chemist or a nutritionist, but for the purposes this blog I have compiled a list of the qualities of each oil in the table below.  This is a summary list that you can use as a quick reference for topics you would like to look into further.  If you find a remedy or solution in the table, I do advise research into it to make sure it suits you.

For further reading:

And here is an article that says do not use olive oil on the skin.  You be the judge.

Olive Oil
Coconut Oil

Highest of the plant oils in monounsaturated fat.  Monounsaturated fat does not oxidize in the body.  It is low in polyunsaturated fat which does oxidize in the body.

Contains oleocanthal, which mimics the effect of ibuprofen in reducing inflammation.  A key step in avoiding cancer.  Also contains squalene and lignans which are being studied for their effects on cancer.

The polyphenols in olive oil may slow down or prevent the appearance of Alzheimer's.

Can be an aid to decrease blood pressure.

Contains Vit E

Beneficial as part of a diet for diabetes.

Helps to reduce obesity

Reduces risk of rheumatoid arthritis

Anti-biotic. Anti-fungul.  Anti-parasite.

Improves mineralization and calcification to aid osteoporosis and help to prevent it

A Mediterranean diet high in olive oil reduces risk of Type II diabetes compared to a low fat diet.

Protect from depression
(those with a high intake of trans fat and hydrogenated fat had a 48% risk increase of becoming depressed.

Slows the aging of the heart
Contains polyphenols which bolster immune system and anticancer activity

Reinforce phosphorus compounds in the brain.

Whitens teeth

For the skin: Contains at least 4 antioxidants that help fight skin aging and skin cancer.  Studies show that mice fed extra virgin olive oil developed less skin cancer when exposed to UV light.

Shaving balm

Hair treatment before shower, or a touch after for flyaways

Teaspoon to cat for prevent hairballs

Personal lubricant

Sip of olive oil before bed will lubricate the throat muscles to prevent snoring.

Polish wood furniture and condition leather

Frees stuck zippers

Fix squeaky doors

Help earache.  Apply warm to the outside of the ear canal.

Combine one part olive oil to one part beeswax for a lip balm.

Combine with brown sugar for a superb, no need to go to the spa, facial scrub.

Pour over the scalp and rub in to treat lice

Spritz on garden tools cut down on dirt build up

Acne treatment from Reader’s Digest:
4 tblspns salt
3 tblspns olive oil
Leave on

Remove paint from hands and hair

Stainless steel shine

Throat soother

Oil Lamp fuel

Chewing gum remover (worked on my leather couch)

Contains 40 percent lauric acid, the highest source naturally.  Lauric acid becomes monolaurin in the body and is effective in fighting bacteria and viruses.

Contains Medium Chain Fatty Acids, which are also found in human breast milk.  MCFAs are sent straight to the liver for digestion, without the need for the pancreas to produce enzymes. This makes it ideal for diabetics.  This can also help increase metabolism.

Capric Acid, Caprylic Acid

Supports treatment of Alzheimer’s

Vit E.  Vit. K.  Iron

Aids in absorption of nutrients

Aid in weightloss

Skin conditions: eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis

Supports the thyroid.  Should be used as part of a treatment to balance hormones.

Anti-biotic.  Anti-fungal.  Anti-parasite

Can increase mental altertness

Treats candidia and fungul infections.  Can be used internally and extrernally.

Aids with depression.

Some evidence that it can treat intestinal parasites

Skin moisturizer

Naturally SPF 4, so can be used in the sun

Helps to prevent premature aging

Can be used in oil-pulling to remove bacteria between the teeth and improve oral health. 
May help cellulite if used consistently

Hair treatment before a shower.  Use it on dry hair to tame frizzies.

 Shaving balm.

Personal lubricant

Nursing mothers can increase milk by taking 3-4 tablespoons a day

Better for high temperature cooking than olive or other oils.

Can be used to condition shiny leather.

Reduce the itch of mosquito bites

Can be used externally to speed recovery from ear infection.

Rub on scalp to condition and stimulate hair growth.

Can treat lice when used with apple cider vinegar.

Increases absorption of calcium and magnesium

Natural deodorant.

A tablespoon before each meal can aid digestion.

Is quickly converted to energy by the body

Use a spoon or two in hot tea to ease sore throat 

Friday, August 2, 2013

Tea with Sage

Dried sage leaves soaking in freshly boiled water
Since as early as I can remember, if we had tea, it was flavored with sage leaves.  When I would get a stomachache, my parents would make a pure sage tea like the one in the picture.  When I would get a sore throat, first call of action would be sage tea.  It is the Palestinian go-to herb of choice. Sage grows with reckless abandon in the Mediterranean region.  While Italians use it to flavor meat and pasta dishes, most Palestinians use it in their daily tea.

And now, Dr. Oz is doing it as well.

What is so great about sage?  The ancient Greeks used it for sore throats, ulcers, wounds and bleeding, among other things.   The Chinese valued it. The Germans found in one study that it reduced perspiration by 50 percent.  It can be gargled to treat sore throats and mouth ulcers.

Sage has been shown to benefit the following:
stimulates digestion
menopausal sweats
as a steam inhalation for asthma attacks
removes mucus congestion
sore throats, drink or use as gargle
nervous exhaustion
nervous headache
improves memory
reduces breast milk
in vitro studies shows it is effective on E-coli and Salmonella.
useful to aid in treating yeasts and fungi infections
has astringent and antiseptic properties which allow it to do the above

My mid-morning cup of tea
How to make black tea with sage:
Make black tea as usual and add a fourth of a teaspoon of dried leaves to the cup.  It can get very strong very quickly, so start out by using a little.  The leaves will float, so you will have to take them out.  I suggest a tissane to be able to lift the leaves out easily.  For a pot of tea that serves 5 cups, one teaspoon is enough.  Dried leaves are preferable, but fresh will do.  You can find dried sage in the Coop in the UAE in the spice section.  In Arabic it is called "mara-miya."

How to make pure sage tea for medicinal purposes:
Put in one to two teaspoons in a mug and add freshly boiled water.  Cover and let is soak for five minutes.  Then use as desired.  If the leaves are left in too long they will become bitter.  It is important not to boil the leaves, as it will boil away their benefits.

Word of caution: if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, then avoid drinking sage teas.  They have an estrogenic effect and therefore will dry milk and may affect pregnancy.

If you haven't tried sage tea before, please try it instead of mint tea, or you can mix the two for a refreshing and relaxing tea.  If you already know how great this tea is, but have stopped drinking it in favor of other flavors, consider bringing this back to your tea routine.  I have tea with sage, or "shay bil mara-miya" with breakfast or after dinner at least a few times a week.  It is the perfect drink with a za'ater manoushe.  Enjoy!

Further reading:

Monday, July 22, 2013

Wabi-Sabi in the Home

I have just been introduced to the Japanese decorating concept of wabi-sabi.  And, at first I thought it was a joke about wasabi sauce and sushi.  But, I am happy to say I was completely wrong.

Wabi-sabi is the "Japanese art of appreciating things that are imperfect, primitive and incomplete." (Houzz article)  The wabi-sabi home would be simple, uncluttered, quiet and evoke feelings of humbleness and appreciation for nature, and for the moment.  It is more than just decorating, it is a life philosophy.  It is paring down your home (or life) to the bare essentials, to what is both useful and beautiful.  To appreciate not just the material item for its outward beauty, but for the history that makes it interesting.

With the goal of being less consumer-minded and reducing clutter and trash, I am collecting the old jars of honey or jam that are particularly pretty to use for cotton balls, bobby pins, etc.  I worried that  I was being frugal, or tasteless, but now I know there is a complete age-old Japanese art that promotes exactly this! Relief.  Now I can reuse with gusto.

Perhaps it is just my inner rebel, going against the opulence and glamour of Dubai.  Maybe it is me trying to be more humble and accept that I need to to do more with less.  Whatever the reason, I now feel my ship is on course.

Further reading:

To read more about bringing wabi-sabi into your home, read it on Houzz.
Decorating the wabi-sabi way
Books on wabi-sabi

Monday, July 15, 2013

Coconut Oil "Milkshake"

Just a quick note to those trying to add coconut oil to their diet, but aren't quite sure how. The naturopath I saw about my son's terrible headaches suggested he try adding coconut oil (and coconut water) to his diet. So, I mixed two teaspoons of coconut oil with a teaspoon of agave syrup and added a cup of laban (the drinking kind, without salt). Voila! A sweet coconut "milkshake" that my son happily gulped. Once a day from now on. Job done.

Curious about why you should add coconut oil to your diet? Read more here at Wellness Mama.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Coke beat Pepsi in this

It isn't sales or taste or look. This time it is about reducing the carcinogen in caramel colour in their drinks. Scientific studies on mice and rats have produced "clear evidence" that the chemical 4-methylimidazole (4-MEI), a by product in the production of caramel colour, is a toxic carcinogen.

California took the initiaive on this in 2011 by banning the carcinogen in their state, and requiring all cola products to be marked with a cancer warning label. This is quite significant. First cigarettes, and now cola.

Both CocaCola and PepsiCo said they would comply, not only with their products sold in California, but also eliminate the chemical from the rest of the United States as well. Now, a year after that statement, Pepsi is sill high in 4-MEI, while Coke has either greatly reduced the 4-MEI in a study done in 10 states.

This does not mean that Coke or Pepsi will be eliminating 4-MEI from their products sold outside the US.

The FDA still says that the small amount of 4-MEI found in cola products is safe for human consumption. But, if we know that it causes cancer in rats and mice, then why not err on the side of caution? If you are the kind to have a cola every now and again with a burger or bbq, then this should not be too much of a concern. But, those who drink a cola or two (or more) a day, should seriously consider making it a once-in-a-while drink. The 4-MEI is found in both diet and regular colas.

For more read:

natural news
USA Today

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Calcarea Phosphorica - Tissue Salt Number 2

Calcarea Phosphorica (Calc Phos) comes in the 6X potency of and is Number 2 in Dr. Schuessler's Tissue Salts.

Please note:  My advice in this blog should never replace a doctor's advice.  If you are currently taking prescription medication, please check with your practitioner before taking anything else.  Also, I take a conservative approach in dosage suggestions as this is a highly individual therapy.  These are general guidelines only.

What Calc Phos can be used for 

  • Relaxes muscle tension, and improves circulation. 
  • Great for rebuilding after an illness, such as flu.
  • Muscle fatigue, cramps, headaches.  Magnesium phosphate (tissue salt number 7) needs this salt in order to work properly in the body.  So, it is a good idea to take them in conjunction.
  • Excessive sweating at menopause.  The monthly menstrual cycle that is used to discharge the body of protein and acidity is no longer active in menopause and therefore the body will cleanse itself with excessive sweating. 
  • Give it to kids with growing pains.  There is calc phos as an ointment that can be rubbed into the limbs that hurt as well. (not available in the UAE.  If you see it, please write a comment and tell us where!)
  • Good for those with anaemia as it is of vital importance for new cell formation
  • Predispositions to colds, headaches or skin eczema.
  • Indigestion

How do I know if I would benefit from Calc Phos?

Some signs and symptoms to help you decide:
  • Face has a waxy, cheesy, warm ivory look to it.  It may be over the wings of nose, ears and forehead, or extend to the entire face.
  • Teeth develop slowly. Teeth decay easily
  • Tendency to sore throats and hoarseness
  • Craving for salty or smoked food (smoked turkey, bacon)
  • Food seems to lie in a lump in the stomach
  • Icy cold feet due to poor circulation
  • Growing pains
  • Loss of or poor appetite
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Feel worse after coffee

How to take Calc Phos

As with all tissue salts, it is absorbed in the mouth.  So, no gulping or chewing or being hurried about it!

For chronic conditions:
chronic headaches or migraines - fatigue - easily catches colds or sore throat - weakness - tooth problems
Take 2 pills half an hour before or after meals, three times a day. Do this for two weeks and see if there is a difference.  Chronic conditions that have lasted years will take longer to get rid of. 
Or, you can do like I do and dissolve 5 pills in a large bottle (mine is 24 oz) and sip over the course of a few hours.  I find this very effective because I get my water in, and I don't forget to take my calc phos.  I do this two or three times a week because I tend to get tension headaches, I feel worse after coffee, and osteoporosis runs in my family so I take extra precautions. (If your headaches are really bad, you can put up to 10 in the water bottle)

For bone rebuilding after break or fracture:
Take it as long as the cast is on and for one to two weeks after you take it off.

Growing pains in children:
Should be treated as for a chronic condition.  Don't wait for the growing pains to strike in order to give this.  Give them 1 pill before or after their meals.  If this doesn't work, give them 2 pills each time. Alternatively you can add 4 pills to their water bottles they take to school.  I do this for my own son. General dosage guideline for children is to take half the adult dose.  See the paper inside the box for details.

For rebuilding after flu and colds:
Take it as for the chronic conidition above.  Take it for 10 days unless you feel you still need it.  If so, continue for another week.  If you are still weak or suffering the ill effects, see a practitioner as there may be another remedy you need as well.

Acute attack of headache or growing pains:
Dissolve 2 pills in the mouth and wait 10 minutes.  Then take another 2 tablets. Then wait.  Then take another 2.

Osteoporosis is a delicate case.  If you are already taking prescription medication, then you must check with your doctor first.  I would never, ever advocate going against a doctor's advice.  But, there are many people out there that I know who are borderline and not taking anything.  So, to those of you: please take this!

Junk food:
Needs to be minimised as it creates acidity in the blood.  When the body is acidic it will use calcium phosphate to bind with this acid for elimination, and in that way bring the body back into balance.  Sometimes those who display symptoms of anemia can be treated successfully with calc phos.

Important note: Do not take Calc Phos at the same time as Ferrum Phos (tissue salt number 3).  If you want to take both you must space it out by half an hour, otherwise they will cancel each other out.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Bentonite Clay and my first detox

The Ayurvedic doctor at Breath and Health handed me a paper bag filled with a concoction of powders and medicinces, and with a smile told me to take the bentonite clay with water three times a day.  She said it was the most important part of my 7-day detox.  I thought "nothing to it," and happily went home.

Then I mixed it with a spoon of pysillium husk and tried to drink it.

Although there was no taste or smell, it was like drinking cement, and I quickly spit it back out for fear it would get stuck in my throat and choke me to death.

Drinking the bentonite clay

On day three of my detox, and after much patient and gentle encouragement by the doctor, I finally worked up the nerve to sprinkle a little of the clay on orange juice and gulped.  It went down! I wan't choking!  I added a bit more to another glass and gulped again.  There was no taste or smell.  It is the consistency you have to overcome. And, I drank another glass of orange juice right after just to wash the remains away.

I waited a couple of hours to see if it was going to glue my intestines together, but nothing happened.  No heartburn or stomach aches or pains.

Why is bentonite clay so great? 

My doctor wasn't kidding when she said it was the most important part of my detox that I had chosen to do to flush out a host of unnecessary antibiotics and their candida legacy.

When mixed with water, bentonite clay becomes negatively charged.  When this happens it will attract positively charged toxins.  It bulks up as it engulfs the toxins and then moves out of the body, taking all the toxins with it.  Bentonite clay also has important minerals in it such as magnesium and calcium.

Bentonite clay can:
Cleanse the liver, colon and skin
Balance bacteria in the digestive tract
Improve nutrient assimilation
Strengthen the immune system

Here is what Natural News has to say:
"In addition, bentonite clay can also eliminate food allergies, food poisoning, colitis, viral infections, and parasites. It is an effective treatment for arthritis, cataracts, diabetic neuropathy, pain, wounds, diarrhea, stomach ulcers, animal and insect bites, acne, anemia and alcoholism; it is effective in treating all digestive conditions and aids in weight loss. Bentonite clay also re-mineralizes cells and tissues, alkalizes the body and is very effective in protecting our bodies against radiation."

How to use bentonite clay

If you have never taken bentonite clay before, the best thing you can do is see a medical (complementary or allopathic) who can assess your case and tell you exactly how best to use the clay for your benefit.  If you have never taken the clay before, this is almost a must. If you have any intestinal issues, you should see a practicioner first. 
Take the clay two hours away from a meal or other medications or supplements so that it doesn't absorb them.

Take bentonite clay with pysllium husk which is a great fiber for cleansing the intestines.  It will push out the clay and toxins.

In my own experience using bentonite as part of a detox and in conjunction with a colonic works really well.  That way you can be sure the clay does get washed out, taking those nasty toxins with it.

The Wellness Mama has a list of ways to use bentonite clay, both internally and externally.  But, again, if it is your first time to drink it, please please see a practictioner who has experience with it and knows your case.

Side Effects of bentonite clay

Generally speaking there are no side effects.  But, since bentonite clay does bulk up in the intestines it can lead to some mild constipation.  That is why you should take extra fiber like psyllium husk with it to push it out.  I also read that people with hypertension should not take it.  Cautions are also for women pregnant or breastfeeding.

More details about Bentonite Clay

Sunday, June 23, 2013

To have your salmon and eat it too? food
 I think if I read one more article about how to get more omega-3s into my diet by "eating oily fish such as salmon," my head will explode. Salmon may not be so great of a diet option as you may think.  Here's why:
Salmon Problem One:  If omega-3 is so essential, then the powers that be must have put it in more than just oily fish.  Afterall, what do landlocked countries eat?  Do they just not get any omega-3? Of course not.  Omega-3 can be found in other sources, like flax seed, walnuts, free-range eggs and grass-fed livestock, to name a few.

Salmon Problem Two:
With the demand for salmon climbing, there is simply not enough wild salmon to supply all the hungry mouths. Enter:  Salmon Farming.  There is a hefty debate over whether salmon farming produces salmon fit to eat or not, and whether the contamination of the farms into the surrounding waters bring more harm than good. And, whether it is worth an increase in cancer risk to get more omega-3.

A study in Science magazine that tested 2 metric tons of farmed salmon found that the farmed salmon contains ten times the level of contaminants than wild salmon.  And, those contaminants include PCBs and dioxins, which have been proven to have a negative impact on the fetus with issues ranging from lower IQ to endocrine problems.

Salmon farm

So, should I eat salmon or not?
The recommendation is to eat farmed salmon no more than once a month in the US, and no more than once every FOUR months from European farms.  And, Europe is where we in the UAE get our farmed salmon.

If I don't eat fish, where else can I get omega-3?
Those who recommend avoiding fish altogether due to mercury levels in the waters, let alone contaminants from farm fed fish, eat the following foods:
meat and dairy from grass-fed livestock (preferably raised without hormones or antibiotics)
free-range chickens and their eggs
flax seed

The incredibly important Omega 3 and Omega 6 balance
The issue with the omegas is the balance.  The ideal balance for omega 6 to omega 3 has been said to be 3:1 or even 2:1.  But, with today's diet and lifestyle the average person's omega 6 to 3 ratio is estimated at 20 or 25 to 1. 

The book Anti Cancer, A New Way of Life by Dr. David Servan-Schreiber does a marvelous job of explaining why omega 3 and 6 are important in balance, and why we are getting too much omega 6. (It is a great book with a lot of insight into how the medical and pharmaceutical industries work, as well as why cancer has become so rampant, and how to avoid it).   

Read a more comprehensive article about non-fish sources of omega-3 and why the omega 6 to 3 balance is so imporant.

Further Reading:
For more information on the debate for and against eating farmed salmon you can read the transcript of the debate on the Salmon Scare on the PBS site. 

You can access the full article on the salmon farming study in Science Magazine for free, but will have to register.

Read a quick overview of the health benefits of omega-3 on WebMD

As mentioned above, an easy to read article that can sum up the omega 3 to 6 balance and how to get non-fish sources of omega 3 is here.

"There is sufficiency in this world for man's need but not for man's greed." Gandhi

Friday, May 31, 2013

10 Uses for Honey

Life Hackery

1. Mix honey with lemon for a cleansing face mask.

2. Put a little honey on lips to soften.

3. Put honey in bath water for a sweet smelling, and softening bath

4. In the morning, before breakfast, drink a glass of warm water with honey and lemon.  It is supposed to jump start the fat burning, and cleanse the liver.  But, I have tried this. It went well for the first three weeks.  Then my stomach started to dread the mornings, protesting and disagreeing with the lemon and honey.  Some people can do it. I say it is great maybe twice a week as micro-detox after an overindulgent meal the previous night.

5. Rub honey into elbows and knees to soften.

6. Removes parasites.  Make a mixture of about 2-3 teaspoons honey, 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar in a tall glass of water and drink.  Adjust to taste.  This drink has been promoted to burn fat and have a plethora of benefits.

7. Drinking honey in water every day helps ease the effects of colitis.

8. Dab on cuts.  Honey contains hydrogen peroxide, which helps clean wounds and heal quickly.

9. Dab on pimples.  The antiseptic properties work here as well.

10. Relaxes nerves!  Put it in a herbal tea or on your breakfast cereal.  It gives you energy, but calms your nerves at the same time.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Turkey bans 26 GMOs

Green Prophet recently published a story about the Biosecurity Board in Turkey unanimously banning 26 genetically modified organisms.  However, some genetically modified corn and soy will be allowed for animal feed, which means meat-eaters will still be exposed to GMO's.

The ban is good news for us in the UAE as we are seeing an increasing number of Turkish food products on our store shelves.  Pastas, bottled water, and dairy products are the few that immediately pop to mind. (although, maybe we give the dairy a miss as the cows will most likely be eating genetically modified corn)

Why should we avoid GMOs?

Organic Authority has a well explained list of 8 reasons we should not use GMOs, including:

1. We still don't fully understand how it will effect our health. 

2. Reduces genetic diversity, and therefore genetic resilience, ultimately putting crops at greater risk.

3. In America items containing GMOs are not labeled.  Why not?  What are they trying to hide? While the US is busy covering up the trail of GMOs, the EU, Australia, Japan, the UK and many more have banned GMOs. It begs the question:  what do companies like Monsanto know that they are not telling us?

Read the full list of 8 reasons to not buy products with GMOs at Organic Authority.

GMO corn and rats
There was one study done on Monsanto genetically modified corn fed to rats.  The rats grew massive tumours.  The scientists methods were questioned, as should always happen in a healthy scientific debate.  Read more about this debate and the very scary potential GMOs can have on the mother nature network.  Warning:  the pictures of the rats are not easy to look at. 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Organic Made Easy

We all want to eat more organic foods.  But there is the availability issue.  There is the price issue.  There is the issue of having to take the time to drive to the organic store at the end of the day when all I really want to do is go home and put my feet up.

Before you go on your weekend shopping trip to stock up for the week, please take five minutes to check out the Dirty Dozen list from the Environmental Working Group.

While it isn't practical to buy everything organic, we can aim to buy the essentials.   With The Dirty Dozen we have a list of the produce grown with the highest amount of pesticide, so that we know what to avoid.  They also made the Clean Fifteen which is a list of the conventionally grown produce that is lowest in pesticides.

Anything on the Dirty Dozen list is worth buying organic when you can.  It includes some major staples of most kitchens:  apples, tomatoes, potatoes, celery, peppers. 

The research is based on studies done on produce in the United States.  As we are in Dubai this may not apply fully, but it is a good guide nonetheless.  We can find some great organic options in our supermarkets now in locally grown organic tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini.

Happy shopping, and happy eating!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Lipstick junkkies beware

Lipstick is a colourful, sexy, economical way to make ourselves feel good and look good even when we aren't wearing any other makeup.

But now a new study done at the University of California in Berkely, reveals there are chemicals in lipstick at levels that can cause serious damage in the long term. (Long term means wearing lipstick nearly every day for years to work, lunch, dinner, kid's playdates, gym, supermarket get the idea).

Chemicals in lipstick isn't a new story.  Several years ago we started to hear about lead in lipstick.  But, in addition to lead, researchers have found cadmium, chromium and aluminum as well as other metals.  It is not the fact that there are metals in the lipstick, but the amount. 

For example, chromium is linked to stomach tumours.  How much chromium can we get away with ingesting before we significantly increase the odds of developing tumours?  Also, how much should we really be worrying about toxins in our lipstick when toxins are everywhere!  We read reports of toxins in our air, water and food that can lead to deformities, cancer, infertility and mental disabilities, to name just a few.  So, by not wearing lipstick, are we really making a difference to our future health?  These are the kinds of questions we need more answers to.

The problem with toxin build up is that it most often takes years before we can see the effect. 
So, if like me,you rather err on the side of caution, and don't mind making a compromise, but don't want to go cold turkey off lipstick either, here are a few ideas:

Figs and Rouge lip balms.  They come in a variety of delicious scents and tints, as well as clear. They really do moisturize the lips (and other dry parts) very well, and the tints are soft and elegant.  It is the best, most natural substitute to lip gloss (or even lipstick) that I have found.  Here in the UAE you can find Figs and Rouge in Boots Pharmacies.

Other products available in the UAE that belong to trusted organic and natural skincare are:
Neal's Yard (various locations), Korres (Mirdif City Center and some products in Areej), Dr. Hauschka (Organic Foods and Cafe).

Keep in mind to check the list of ingredients.  The more ingredients there are, the less "natural" the product is.  Especially if you can't pronounce the ingredients.

If you want more indepth research into safe cosmetics, go to the Environmental Working Group. They do extensive research, and it is a non-profit organization, so they are not protecting anyone's interests but the consumer.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Rehydration with Tissue Salts

With summer bearing down upon us here in Dubai, we need to be extra cautious about staying hydrated.  So, while you are slathering on the sunscreen, here is a quick tip for a drink to stay hydrated and refreshed.

If you have snooped around the homeopathy section of the pharmacies, you may have noticed blue and white bottles of Dr. Shuessler Tissue Salts.  These are similar to homoepathic remedies, but easier for the lay person.

About Dr. Shuessler and his Salts
Dr. Shuessler started out his career as a homeopathic doctor, but then took off on his own path much like Dr. Bach (think Flower Remedies and Rescue Remedy).  There are 12 salts.  On the box is a short and general description of what each remedy can do.  But, if you are looking for a full treatment I highly recommend seeking the advice of a Tissue Salt practicioner or a homeopath experienced in the salts as there are many combinations and ways to use them that you won't find on the boxes or brochures.  I will give you one tip today.

The Tip
Take 5 tablets of Natrium Sulfuricum (Sodium Sulphate), which is number 10 in the range.  Dissolve the tablets in 500 ml of water.  Sip until finished. 

When to use this
This is great for days at the beach or pool, or even an unusually lengthy mall trawl.  If you are in the mall I recommend that you take the bottle of tissue salts with you, and then once you order your coffee and water, pop those tablets in and sip as you resume shopping.  If you are at the beach you can drink it any time during the day.  If you are there all day, you can do it twice.  Try it instead of juice or the usual supermarket rehydration drinks.  You can sip on this on your way home and arrive refreshed.

Kids under 12 years old can put 3 tablets in 500 ml water.  Toddlers and babies, you can add one to their sippy cup or bottle.

Natrium Sulfuricum also helps to detox the body.  A bonus.

If you should experience any symptoms of heat exhaustion such as dizziness, nausea, severe headaches, then you should seek professional medical advice. 
The information here is in no way a substitute for medical advice. When in doubt, check it out.