Friday, August 2, 2013

Tea with Sage

Dried sage leaves soaking in freshly boiled water
Since as early as I can remember, if we had tea, it was flavored with sage leaves.  When I would get a stomachache, my parents would make a pure sage tea like the one in the picture.  When I would get a sore throat, first call of action would be sage tea.  It is the Palestinian go-to herb of choice. Sage grows with reckless abandon in the Mediterranean region.  While Italians use it to flavor meat and pasta dishes, most Palestinians use it in their daily tea.

And now, Dr. Oz is doing it as well.

What is so great about sage?  The ancient Greeks used it for sore throats, ulcers, wounds and bleeding, among other things.   The Chinese valued it. The Germans found in one study that it reduced perspiration by 50 percent.  It can be gargled to treat sore throats and mouth ulcers.

Sage has been shown to benefit the following:
stimulates digestion
menopausal sweats
as a steam inhalation for asthma attacks
removes mucus congestion
sore throats, drink or use as gargle
nervous exhaustion
nervous headache
improves memory
reduces breast milk
in vitro studies shows it is effective on E-coli and Salmonella.
useful to aid in treating yeasts and fungi infections
has astringent and antiseptic properties which allow it to do the above

My mid-morning cup of tea
How to make black tea with sage:
Make black tea as usual and add a fourth of a teaspoon of dried leaves to the cup.  It can get very strong very quickly, so start out by using a little.  The leaves will float, so you will have to take them out.  I suggest a tissane to be able to lift the leaves out easily.  For a pot of tea that serves 5 cups, one teaspoon is enough.  Dried leaves are preferable, but fresh will do.  You can find dried sage in the Coop in the UAE in the spice section.  In Arabic it is called "mara-miya."

How to make pure sage tea for medicinal purposes:
Put in one to two teaspoons in a mug and add freshly boiled water.  Cover and let is soak for five minutes.  Then use as desired.  If the leaves are left in too long they will become bitter.  It is important not to boil the leaves, as it will boil away their benefits.

Word of caution: if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, then avoid drinking sage teas.  They have an estrogenic effect and therefore will dry milk and may affect pregnancy.

If you haven't tried sage tea before, please try it instead of mint tea, or you can mix the two for a refreshing and relaxing tea.  If you already know how great this tea is, but have stopped drinking it in favor of other flavors, consider bringing this back to your tea routine.  I have tea with sage, or "shay bil mara-miya" with breakfast or after dinner at least a few times a week.  It is the perfect drink with a za'ater manoushe.  Enjoy!

Further reading:

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