Coconut Oil is back! It has been making a slow ascent into popularity for many years now. In the 1980s anything that was a saturated fat was considered bad for the heart and bad for the health, and would make you fat. Diets back then consisted of avoiding all kinds of fats and oils, especially the saturated kind. Then olive oil started to gain popularity, and as it was monounsaturated and deemed to be heart healthy, people began to using it willingly. Now we are learning that not all fats are equal, and even some saturated fats are good for us. Certainly trans fat and hydrogenated fat that we find in commercial and processed food remain the ones to avoid at all costs.
The general rule I came across for cooking with these oils is that coconut stands up to high temperature, whereas olive oil does not and should be eaten cold. But, there is a study that looks at deep frying with olive oil and shows that it can stand up to high heat better than what people thought.
But, is coconut oil all it is cracked up to be? Should we replace our olive oil with coconut oil? Some people tout it as almost a miracle oil. Is it? I am not a chemist or a nutritionist, but for the purposes this blog I have compiled a list of the qualities of each oil in the table below. This is a summary list that you can use as a quick reference for topics you would like to look into further. If you find a remedy or solution in the table, I do advise research into it to make sure it suits you.
For further reading:
The general rule I came across for cooking with these oils is that coconut stands up to high temperature, whereas olive oil does not and should be eaten cold. But, there is a study that looks at deep frying with olive oil and shows that it can stand up to high heat better than what people thought.
But, is coconut oil all it is cracked up to be? Should we replace our olive oil with coconut oil? Some people tout it as almost a miracle oil. Is it? I am not a chemist or a nutritionist, but for the purposes this blog I have compiled a list of the qualities of each oil in the table below. This is a summary list that you can use as a quick reference for topics you would like to look into further. If you find a remedy or solution in the table, I do advise research into it to make sure it suits you.
For further reading:
And here is an article that says do not use olive oil on the skin. You be the judge.
And here is an article that says do not use olive oil on the skin. You be the judge.
Olive Oil
Coconut Oil
Contains linoleic acid.
Highest of the plant oils in monounsaturated fat.
Monounsaturated fat does not oxidize in the body. It is low in polyunsaturated fat which does
oxidize in the body.
Contains oleocanthal, which mimics the effect of ibuprofen in reducing
inflammation. A key step in avoiding cancer. Also contains squalene and lignans which are being studied for their effects on cancer.
The polyphenols in olive oil may slow down or prevent the appearance of Alzheimer's.
Can be an aid to decrease blood pressure.
Contains Vit E
Beneficial as part of a diet for diabetes.
Helps to reduce obesity
Reduces risk of rheumatoid arthritis
Anti-biotic. Anti-fungul.
Improves mineralization and calcification to aid
osteoporosis and help to prevent it
A Mediterranean diet high in olive oil reduces risk of
Type II diabetes compared to a low fat diet.
Protect from depression
(those with a high intake of trans fat and hydrogenated
fat had a 48% risk increase of becoming depressed.
Slows the aging of the heart
Contains polyphenols which bolster immune system and
anticancer activity
Reinforce phosphorus compounds in the brain.
Whitens teeth
For the skin: Contains at least 4 antioxidants that help
fight skin aging and skin cancer.
Studies show that mice fed extra virgin olive oil developed less skin
cancer when exposed to UV light.
Shaving balm
Hair treatment before shower, or a touch after for
Teaspoon to cat for prevent hairballs
Personal lubricant
Sip of olive oil before bed will lubricate the throat
muscles to prevent snoring.
Polish wood furniture and condition leather
Frees stuck zippers
Fix squeaky doors
Help earache. Apply
warm to the outside of the ear canal.
Combine one part olive oil to one part beeswax for a lip
Combine with brown sugar for a superb, no need to go to
the spa, facial scrub.
Pour over the scalp and rub in to treat lice
Spritz on garden tools cut down on dirt build up
Acne treatment from Reader’s Digest:
4 tblspns salt
3 tblspns olive oil
Leave on
Remove paint from hands and hair
Stainless steel shine
Throat soother
Oil Lamp fuel
Chewing gum remover (worked on my leather couch)
Contains 40 percent lauric acid, the highest source
naturally. Lauric acid becomes
monolaurin in the body and is effective in fighting bacteria and viruses.
Contains Medium Chain Fatty Acids, which are also found in
human breast milk. MCFAs are sent
straight to the liver for digestion, without the need for the pancreas to
produce enzymes. This makes it ideal for diabetics. This can also help increase metabolism.
Capric Acid, Caprylic Acid
Supports treatment of Alzheimer’s
Vit E. Vit. K. Iron
Aids in absorption of nutrients
Aid in weightloss
Skin conditions: eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis
Supports the thyroid. Should be used as part of a treatment to balance hormones.
Anti-biotic. Anti-fungal. Anti-parasite
Can increase mental altertness
Treats candidia and fungul infections. Can be used internally and extrernally.
Aids with depression.
Some evidence that it can treat intestinal parasites
Skin moisturizer
Naturally SPF 4, so can be used in the sun
Helps to prevent premature aging
May help cellulite if used consistently
Hair treatment before a shower. Use it on dry hair to tame frizzies.
Personal lubricant
Nursing mothers can increase milk by taking 3-4
tablespoons a day
Better for high temperature cooking than olive or other
Can be used to condition shiny leather.
Reduce the itch of mosquito bites
Can be used externally to speed recovery from ear infection.
Rub on scalp to condition and stimulate hair growth.
Can treat lice when used with apple cider vinegar.
Increases absorption of calcium and magnesium
Natural deodorant.
A tablespoon before each meal can aid digestion.
Is quickly converted to energy by the body
Use a spoon or two in hot tea to ease sore throat
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