Saturday, July 13, 2013

Coke beat Pepsi in this

It isn't sales or taste or look. This time it is about reducing the carcinogen in caramel colour in their drinks. Scientific studies on mice and rats have produced "clear evidence" that the chemical 4-methylimidazole (4-MEI), a by product in the production of caramel colour, is a toxic carcinogen.

California took the initiaive on this in 2011 by banning the carcinogen in their state, and requiring all cola products to be marked with a cancer warning label. This is quite significant. First cigarettes, and now cola.

Both CocaCola and PepsiCo said they would comply, not only with their products sold in California, but also eliminate the chemical from the rest of the United States as well. Now, a year after that statement, Pepsi is sill high in 4-MEI, while Coke has either greatly reduced the 4-MEI in a study done in 10 states.

This does not mean that Coke or Pepsi will be eliminating 4-MEI from their products sold outside the US.

The FDA still says that the small amount of 4-MEI found in cola products is safe for human consumption. But, if we know that it causes cancer in rats and mice, then why not err on the side of caution? If you are the kind to have a cola every now and again with a burger or bbq, then this should not be too much of a concern. But, those who drink a cola or two (or more) a day, should seriously consider making it a once-in-a-while drink. The 4-MEI is found in both diet and regular colas.

For more read:

natural news
USA Today

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