Friday, May 31, 2013

10 Uses for Honey

Life Hackery

1. Mix honey with lemon for a cleansing face mask.

2. Put a little honey on lips to soften.

3. Put honey in bath water for a sweet smelling, and softening bath

4. In the morning, before breakfast, drink a glass of warm water with honey and lemon.  It is supposed to jump start the fat burning, and cleanse the liver.  But, I have tried this. It went well for the first three weeks.  Then my stomach started to dread the mornings, protesting and disagreeing with the lemon and honey.  Some people can do it. I say it is great maybe twice a week as micro-detox after an overindulgent meal the previous night.

5. Rub honey into elbows and knees to soften.

6. Removes parasites.  Make a mixture of about 2-3 teaspoons honey, 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar in a tall glass of water and drink.  Adjust to taste.  This drink has been promoted to burn fat and have a plethora of benefits.

7. Drinking honey in water every day helps ease the effects of colitis.

8. Dab on cuts.  Honey contains hydrogen peroxide, which helps clean wounds and heal quickly.

9. Dab on pimples.  The antiseptic properties work here as well.

10. Relaxes nerves!  Put it in a herbal tea or on your breakfast cereal.  It gives you energy, but calms your nerves at the same time.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Turkey bans 26 GMOs

Green Prophet recently published a story about the Biosecurity Board in Turkey unanimously banning 26 genetically modified organisms.  However, some genetically modified corn and soy will be allowed for animal feed, which means meat-eaters will still be exposed to GMO's.

The ban is good news for us in the UAE as we are seeing an increasing number of Turkish food products on our store shelves.  Pastas, bottled water, and dairy products are the few that immediately pop to mind. (although, maybe we give the dairy a miss as the cows will most likely be eating genetically modified corn)

Why should we avoid GMOs?

Organic Authority has a well explained list of 8 reasons we should not use GMOs, including:

1. We still don't fully understand how it will effect our health. 

2. Reduces genetic diversity, and therefore genetic resilience, ultimately putting crops at greater risk.

3. In America items containing GMOs are not labeled.  Why not?  What are they trying to hide? While the US is busy covering up the trail of GMOs, the EU, Australia, Japan, the UK and many more have banned GMOs. It begs the question:  what do companies like Monsanto know that they are not telling us?

Read the full list of 8 reasons to not buy products with GMOs at Organic Authority.

GMO corn and rats
There was one study done on Monsanto genetically modified corn fed to rats.  The rats grew massive tumours.  The scientists methods were questioned, as should always happen in a healthy scientific debate.  Read more about this debate and the very scary potential GMOs can have on the mother nature network.  Warning:  the pictures of the rats are not easy to look at. 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Organic Made Easy

We all want to eat more organic foods.  But there is the availability issue.  There is the price issue.  There is the issue of having to take the time to drive to the organic store at the end of the day when all I really want to do is go home and put my feet up.

Before you go on your weekend shopping trip to stock up for the week, please take five minutes to check out the Dirty Dozen list from the Environmental Working Group.

While it isn't practical to buy everything organic, we can aim to buy the essentials.   With The Dirty Dozen we have a list of the produce grown with the highest amount of pesticide, so that we know what to avoid.  They also made the Clean Fifteen which is a list of the conventionally grown produce that is lowest in pesticides.

Anything on the Dirty Dozen list is worth buying organic when you can.  It includes some major staples of most kitchens:  apples, tomatoes, potatoes, celery, peppers. 

The research is based on studies done on produce in the United States.  As we are in Dubai this may not apply fully, but it is a good guide nonetheless.  We can find some great organic options in our supermarkets now in locally grown organic tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini.

Happy shopping, and happy eating!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Lipstick junkkies beware

Lipstick is a colourful, sexy, economical way to make ourselves feel good and look good even when we aren't wearing any other makeup.

But now a new study done at the University of California in Berkely, reveals there are chemicals in lipstick at levels that can cause serious damage in the long term. (Long term means wearing lipstick nearly every day for years to work, lunch, dinner, kid's playdates, gym, supermarket get the idea).

Chemicals in lipstick isn't a new story.  Several years ago we started to hear about lead in lipstick.  But, in addition to lead, researchers have found cadmium, chromium and aluminum as well as other metals.  It is not the fact that there are metals in the lipstick, but the amount. 

For example, chromium is linked to stomach tumours.  How much chromium can we get away with ingesting before we significantly increase the odds of developing tumours?  Also, how much should we really be worrying about toxins in our lipstick when toxins are everywhere!  We read reports of toxins in our air, water and food that can lead to deformities, cancer, infertility and mental disabilities, to name just a few.  So, by not wearing lipstick, are we really making a difference to our future health?  These are the kinds of questions we need more answers to.

The problem with toxin build up is that it most often takes years before we can see the effect. 
So, if like me,you rather err on the side of caution, and don't mind making a compromise, but don't want to go cold turkey off lipstick either, here are a few ideas:

Figs and Rouge lip balms.  They come in a variety of delicious scents and tints, as well as clear. They really do moisturize the lips (and other dry parts) very well, and the tints are soft and elegant.  It is the best, most natural substitute to lip gloss (or even lipstick) that I have found.  Here in the UAE you can find Figs and Rouge in Boots Pharmacies.

Other products available in the UAE that belong to trusted organic and natural skincare are:
Neal's Yard (various locations), Korres (Mirdif City Center and some products in Areej), Dr. Hauschka (Organic Foods and Cafe).

Keep in mind to check the list of ingredients.  The more ingredients there are, the less "natural" the product is.  Especially if you can't pronounce the ingredients.

If you want more indepth research into safe cosmetics, go to the Environmental Working Group. They do extensive research, and it is a non-profit organization, so they are not protecting anyone's interests but the consumer.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Rehydration with Tissue Salts

With summer bearing down upon us here in Dubai, we need to be extra cautious about staying hydrated.  So, while you are slathering on the sunscreen, here is a quick tip for a drink to stay hydrated and refreshed.

If you have snooped around the homeopathy section of the pharmacies, you may have noticed blue and white bottles of Dr. Shuessler Tissue Salts.  These are similar to homoepathic remedies, but easier for the lay person.

About Dr. Shuessler and his Salts
Dr. Shuessler started out his career as a homeopathic doctor, but then took off on his own path much like Dr. Bach (think Flower Remedies and Rescue Remedy).  There are 12 salts.  On the box is a short and general description of what each remedy can do.  But, if you are looking for a full treatment I highly recommend seeking the advice of a Tissue Salt practicioner or a homeopath experienced in the salts as there are many combinations and ways to use them that you won't find on the boxes or brochures.  I will give you one tip today.

The Tip
Take 5 tablets of Natrium Sulfuricum (Sodium Sulphate), which is number 10 in the range.  Dissolve the tablets in 500 ml of water.  Sip until finished. 

When to use this
This is great for days at the beach or pool, or even an unusually lengthy mall trawl.  If you are in the mall I recommend that you take the bottle of tissue salts with you, and then once you order your coffee and water, pop those tablets in and sip as you resume shopping.  If you are at the beach you can drink it any time during the day.  If you are there all day, you can do it twice.  Try it instead of juice or the usual supermarket rehydration drinks.  You can sip on this on your way home and arrive refreshed.

Kids under 12 years old can put 3 tablets in 500 ml water.  Toddlers and babies, you can add one to their sippy cup or bottle.

Natrium Sulfuricum also helps to detox the body.  A bonus.

If you should experience any symptoms of heat exhaustion such as dizziness, nausea, severe headaches, then you should seek professional medical advice. 
The information here is in no way a substitute for medical advice. When in doubt, check it out.